
60 detained for subversive acts

Police said today that 60 people including 10 women had been arrested and detained by the Terrorist Investigations Division (TID) during the past two months for allegedly supporting subversive activities in violation of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

Work permits for foreign experts approved

State institutions and private companies are now permitted to obtain the services of foreign professionals, technical experts and skilled labour not available in the country, following the approval of the BOI that will issue a work permit for a specific time period, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said.

It’s not Russia that is destabilising Ukraine

The west has been needlessly whipping up tension – if we don’t co-operate soon, chaos may take hold Sergei Lavrov The profound and pervasive crisis in Ukraine is a matter of grave concern for Russia. We understand perfectly well the position of a country which became independent just over 20 years ago and still faces Read More


